How many carriers do you work with?
We work with and partner with a network of thousands of vetted carriers, both global and domestic. This ensures that you, our client, is getting the most cost-effective transport possible.
How long does it take to get a quote?
You will receive a quote within 1-2 hours after we have received your email or phone request.
What international countries do you cover?
We provide global logistics services, and we can provide services to just about anywhere on the globe.
Will I be able to track my shipments?
Yes. Our state-of-the-art tracking platform allows us to provide the customer with detailed shipping information.
Do you transport hazardous materials?
We can and will provide you with carriers that transport hazardous materials.
What is an FTL shipment?
FTL stand for Full Truckload, FTL shipment is a larger full volume shipment than a LTL Truckload, that will move on a regular scheduled motor freight carrier.
What is an LTL shipment?
LTL stand for Less Than Truckload, LTL shipment is a smaller volume shipment than a Full Truckload, that will move on a regular scheduled motor freight carrier.
Do you offer refrigerated shipping options?
Yes, we can offer all modes of refrigeration with our carriers. We can provide refrigerated, or reefer, shipping via charter, road, and rail.
For Every type of business

PGI Transport is an acclaimed US-based freight agency

MC License No. 713034